Healing With Music

Join Us for a Musical Cause! HOW YOU CAN HELP: PURCHASE A TICKET AND ATTEND THE 2024 “HEALING WITH MUSIC” FUNDRAISER. MAKE A DONATION TO SUPPORT THE PIANO PLAY MUSIC FOUNDATION. SUBMIT AN ITEM OR SERVICE TO OUR AUCTION. We are excited to announce the expansion of Piano Play Music Systems, Inc., a long-standing member… Read More

Website Credits

Website Development: Dilara Khalilova, MTAC SFEV Branch President (2009 – 2013) Michael Paul, Consultant Roger Eshleman, Consultant Panoramic photo of the San Fernando Valley courtesy of Daily Venture website. Website design and services by Ronda Flanzbaum  r.website.design

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Colleague Concert! On Sunday, October 27, 2019, 11:54:17 PM PDT, Nicole Nale wrote: Dear Teachers, Two of our fabulous members, Dilara Khalilova and Bang-Eunn Lee, are putting on a concert on Sunday, November 17 at 4pm. Please check out the flyer below. It is going to be a spectacular evening of music! Thank you! Nicole… Read More