Concerto Competition – Rules and Guidelines

1. The MTAC SFEV Concerto Competition is open to any student, high school age (19 years of age or younger) or under, of any Active Teacher in the SFEV Branch.

2. Students may audition a concerto movement either as soloists or as an ensemble on any instrument(s):
strings, winds, keyboard, and voice.

3. Audition fee is $50.00

4. Two students will be selected to perform with the La Mirada Symphony Orchestra during one of their regular-season subscription concerts. Judges chosen for the competition will be encouraged to select one junior (age 14 and under) and one senior winner (15 – 19), however, judges will be free to select two from one of those categories if they are so inclined, based on audition results. Alternate performers will also be chosen.

5. Students may be accompanied by their own teachers, but it is recommended that a professional accompanist be hired for the audition. Students should provide a copy of the music for the judges.

6. If the winning student will be playing music easily found in the standard orchestral library, no charge will be levied upon the student’s family for the concert. If the winning student will be performing music that is relatively obscure, the student’s family may be charged for the cost of renting the music for the orchestra. Student’s family must pay said charges well in advance of the concert or an “alternate” may be chosen to perform, instead.

7. Winning students must agree to be present for all rehearsals called for by the conductor of the La Mirada Orchestra. If a student does not show up for any rehearsal, the Concerto Committee may call upon an “alternate” to take their place.

8. Winning students should understand that they will be representing their Branch, their teacher and themselves in a professional concert setting and should be prepared to arrive early for all rehearsals and performances and to dress appropriately. Students who perform with the orchestra will be asked to write a letter of appreciation to the La Mirada Symphony Conductor and Board of Directors.

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