Recital Rules for Performers, Family and others in Attendance

Before each recital, teachers should review these MTAC SFEV recital guidelines and relay them to students, parents and others who may attend.

Performers are expected to be neatly groomed and appropriately dressed for recitals. A blouse/skirt, dress, or dressy pants and blouse are suggested for girls, collared dress shirt and pants for boys. No jeans, tee shirts, large logos, shorts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, flip-flops, sandals, or sneakers are permitted. Skirt lengths and necklines should be appropriate.

In order to provide a distraction-free atmosphere for performers and audience members, please observe the following:

  • Students and guests should remain seated for the duration of the entire program. Parents with small children should sit near the exit and be prepared to take them out if they become noisy or distracting. If it is absolutely necessary to leave in the middle of a recital, please do so only during applause between performances. Toddlers and infants may not attend recitals.
  • Cell phones, pagers and all noise-making gadgets must be turned off during the concert. Videos and no-flash photography is allowed only if the equipment used does not make noise.
  • Please do not talk during performances. No gum, food or drinks is allowed in the concert hall.
  • Teachers are responsible for instructing each student and family about concert dress and behavior. If a problem arises, the Board may counsel teachers as necessary.
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