Reasons to join the Music Teachers’ Association of California include: Be part of a local group of like-minded professionals in your region who come together to study and celebrate music. Allow your students to participate in any of MTAC’s local and state events such as recitals competitions, festivals and Certificate of Merit programs. Your students will… Read More

Application Forms

Certificate of Merit Registration Forms Classical-Romantic Festival Application Contemporary Festival Application Form General Recital Application Form Scholarship Competition Application Form Southern California Junior Bach Festival Spring Festival Recital Application Form

Classical-Romantic Festival – Rules and Guidelines

1. All rules under “Branch Guidelines and Fees” apply to this festival unless they conflict with the specific rules for this Festival. 2. The Classical and Romantic Festival is not a competition, but will be adjudicated. 3. The time limit for each performer is six minutes. Student may perform any number of pieces by any… Read More

Branch Scholarship Competition – Rules and Guidelines

1.  All rules under “Branch Guidelines and Fees’ apply to the Scholarship Competition unless they conflict with the specific rules for this Competition. 2. The Competition is open to students of SFEV Branch Active members, only. The teacher must be the primary teacher on record. 3.  Students will have studied at least 6 months with… Read More

Recital Rules for Performers, Family and others in Attendance

Before each recital, teachers should review these MTAC SFEV recital guidelines and relay them to students, parents and others who may attend. Dress:Performers are expected to be neatly groomed and appropriately dressed for recitals. A blouse/skirt, dress, or dressy pants and blouse are suggested for girls, collared dress shirt and pants for boys. No jeans,… Read More

Certificate of Merit and 2020/2021 News

To Parents and Students, The Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) sponsors a music study program entitled Certificate of Merit (CM). Initiated in 1933, the CM Program now involves approximately 30,000 students annually statewide. There are evaluation opportunities for students of Piano, Violin, Cello, Viola, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon, Horn, Voice and Harp. Goals… Read More

2021/2022 – Event Dates

  2022 Bach Festival Date: April 10th, 2022 (Sunday)Time: 1 pm – 4 pm (5 min time slot for each student)Location: Piano Play (Sherman Oaks)Audition Format: In-Person Closed-AuditionRegistration Fees: $40 per studentRegistration Deadline: March 27, 2022Audition Timeslot Release Date: March 28, 2022For registration, please visit     2022 MTAC ConventionVOICES OF THE WORLD This… Read More

2020/2021 – Event Dates

General Recital  October 25, 2020 on Zoom – $10 fee-Chairs- Arisa Ogino & Nicole NaleEvent Application Form      Contemporary Festival – January 24, 2021 on Zoom – $15 fee  -Chairs- Nicole Nale and Lacey BowenEvent Application Form       Classical & Romantic Festival –  February 21, 2021 on Zoom -$15 fee-Chairs- Nobuyo Nishizaka &… Read More

Branch Officers Chairs

Branch Officers – Music Teachers’ Association of California San Fernando East Valley Branch   2022/2023 President – Thelma Mericle Vice President – Nicole Nale Treasurer – Arisa OginoMembership – Nicole  Nale Recording Secretary – Rita HovanesianDirectors –Rita Hovanesian, Kathleen Rabun, Anahit Sevoyan, Gillian Smith

About MTAC

The Music Teachers’ Association of California incorporated in 1897 is a professional organization of approximately 4,500 members. MTAC is among the largest and most highly respected professional music teacher associations in the nation. Throughout it over 100 year history, MTAC has dedicated its efforts toward the pursuit of excellence in music education, to promote the… Read More


Perseverance through a Pandemic A Letter of Gratitude To all of the students, parents and teachers during these unprecedented times, I thank you. Your commitment to pushing onward and adapting to new education formats is beyond praiseworthy. I am truly impressed with how each individual has stepped up on their end. You have managed to… Read More


  Subject: April Updates From: Nicole Nale ( April 3, 2018 Hello Teachers! Happy spring everybody and I hope all of you have had a little bit of resting time. Congratulations to all the teachers on their hard work for the Certificate of Merit Program!!! First up, our next meeting is fast approaching on Tuesday, April… Read More


Subject: Piano CM reminders From: Nicole Nale ( Date: March 10, 2018 I apologize for the late email, posted below are some reminders for your parents in the morning, who have children performing. SOME IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Make sure your students DO NOT bring in UNAUTHORIZED photocopied music to CM Evaluations because they NOT BE… Read More


Subject: February Updates From: Nicole Nale ( Date: Monday, February 19, 2018 11:03 PM Teachers!!! Our Certificate of Merit examinations are fast approaching and I know we are all working extremely hard to make sure all the students are prepared! The past two Sundays we had two events that went extremely well thanks to our… Read More